Tuesday 22 February 2011

karima el mahroug

She lived a parallel life...the society ignored her,she is a victim of men who sees women as sex objects lest the society stands for freedom  I will. From her testimony..she -like most of us we live wildly because of the way we are treated whether or not she had an affair with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi..we should not throw stones at her..help her out or keep quiet...We pipe out venom,we criticize and yet we fail to curb the ills of the raging society ...male dominance..keeps them vulnerable its time to shift focus and speak out for them and shout out from the top of the mountains and not when the wind whistles.
She has stolen hearts and let her dream come true..she has a future lets not cast our shadows unto her but let us light her paths..Ruby the Heart Stealer

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