Thursday 16 July 2015

Turning off Airtel SIM application Popup

We are constantly bombarded by all sorts of technological hitch-ups, hiccups, when we need them not but it depends on our perceived response and needs, we choose to stop or accept,  Here is a solution in turning off the Airtel SIM application popup.
Go to Settings - mobile+ SIM- SIM settings- SIM applications - airtel now! - Start/Stop- Stop- airtel now! has been Stopped - OK
You wil receive a message popup AZ-CTANOW..... Airtel Now Flash service has been stopped on your airtel mobile.Thank you for using the service..
Hope it will be helpful but if " symptoms of the notifications persists call airtel customer care..." this is just what I did , its my opinion, I am not an expert, just a village boy trying to get to companies service need not by me ...

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