Monday, 4 October 2021

WhatsApp, Facebook ,Instagram, Facebook Messenger & Oculus VR Worldwide Outage/ Blackout

Social media giant Facebook, and it's sister platforms - Instagram, WhatsApp & Oculus VR have gone off virtual air, from Asia many tried to update their application,  to restart phones and recharge/load more internet data to no avail.The internet issues which is reportedly being fixed, us a major shock and a lesson to users , one day the unexpected can happen,  the internet is a virtual world and reality knocks when such-and-such catch-21 ' Internet Pandemic' happens. Nothing is secure , many users in Asia , across India and Kenya are turning to IMO and Telegram App to communicate,  like never before multi-App download will be the norm. The question pegs is it security issues , server outage ? The internet is clearly unknown world of communication. 
A clear reality of unreliability that may occur in future. Are internet cloud and cloud computing a fantasy? Technological experts will be exploring and explaining in the days to come. 
Users found out around 7:30 pm Kenyan Time 4th October that the Social Networking Platforms weren't working or inaccessible,  addicted to communications through the web had become a norm, this shows the internet can be unpredictable or unreliable in the future on saving big data and even pictures/ videos on them. A stark reminder that a backup is needed offline. 
Is it the DNS revolver issues back to the user's or the TLD server or Root Server problems,  the path to unknown isn't still clear. Is there a chain link broken from the server to IP addresses,  the social media giants routes might have been rooted to unknown grounds. 
Welcome humans of social media , Welcome aboard the world 🌎 unknown - Joshua Boit 

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Boitt Tv

Boitt Tv - Boitt Television is a brainchild of Joshua Boitt (Joshua Boit) , a Kenyan Research Scholar in India,  Media and Democracy,  it's a Television network online,  which will rely on IOF internet of things,  and the world wide web, Everyone has a story , the platform will be backpack journalism at its core to explore peoples stories around the world at an outside broadcast studio, will incorporating stringers , reporters,  trainee journalists,  journalism students,  common men and women,  seasoned journalists and veteran journalists to my channel. 

The model is disruptive television 📺, without an office,  every heart and mind will be the office for which stories will be aired on (SNS) Social Networking Platforms,  including Television Reporters Without Borders (TRWB) in French (TRSF) Television Reporters San Frontieres,  the channel will be on volunteer mission,  to listen , assist and give a Platform to those that voices are muffled,  an arena voice of the voiceless with an aim of Social Transformation by asking questions to those in power,  empowering the powerless , they too have a voice.

Be a reporter of events in your city , ypu need a Super un-idirectional Electret Condenser,   a smartphone,  internet and a story and you will be good to go , 

 Boitt Tv will be aired live twice a week , on You Tube (Joshua Boitt)  , Facebook Page (Joshua Boit) and appearing live on Instagram (Joshua Boitt), Stories will be peoples oriented , 

Do you have a story ? feel free to let us know , we will air , on Sundays live ,  
6 :30 Pm Indian Standard Time
 4 pm East African Time,  
3 pm Southern Africa Time,  
1 pm GMT , 

You can be part of this online tv initiative,  contact Joshua Boitt to be part of the team of reporters, anchors, facilitators,  sponsors,  
What's app 

Boitt Tv , 
Temporary Headquarters 
C/o Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad city,  India 

Live Host 
Hosea Kiprono 
Adelaide Australia 🇦🇺

Kenyan Reporter 
Eldoret,  Kenya 

Pune Metro City 
Reporter , I M.

Permanent address 
P.O. Box 
Kitale Towm , Kenya 🇰🇪

Joshua Boit 
Founder Chairman 
Boitt Tv

Monday, 12 April 2021

A tribute to my Mother , Esther Cherotich 1940- April .., 202

Tribute to my beloved mother 

With deepest sorrow, I mourn you mum , you were my sunshine when the clouds hovered above , you were my moonlight when the starry night was dark,  you cared for me throughout your life time , you were my clock that turned time into knowledge, tuned my knowledge into wisdom , I possess the key of education because you sacrificed alot , you brought us up with care and understanding,  your cane gave me direction while we ran away from school with my brother Musa /Moses you always forgave us and ensured we had food  and accepted us back home , a mission of life abroad is still a journey,  I watched you try to hold on life on that death bed but time had come ,God guide your legacy,  I seek forgiveness for my time that I spend away, I was trying to ensure that life will change before you depart, you held your breath for me while away in India bit longer till time lapsed ,on my knee mum ,go well , watch over us , your legacy of helping others I will keep it as your legacy , I will watch over my brother , we will walk together and remember your humility which will shine among other stars.

Mum , I will follow your footsteps,  each with you in memoriam,  I will step with courage that you showed me, I will remember to forgive before sunset and hold no grudges to anyone , I will listen to elders and respect young and old , I will shine and remember your words that you told me "wui ne myee, asaun  kila " go well ,I pray for you daily.., I will kneel and pray and will keep the faith of Christianity as you taught us , will walk the talk and do the utmost faith to ensure all humans are treated equal, Mum let me lead, mum give me permission before  you return to the dust where we came from , permit me to lead and with leadership of wisdom , mum my dream of leading a country still alive, I feel the silent prayers you had before your death,  the last call April 6th with that deep breath, I didn't know it was the last sound I could hear from you , I promised to come, God plans for our journey in life,  go home safely  mum , a hope and a promise for a new day with ressurectition promise see you beyond the grave , your journey to Tanganyika and the memories of Tanzania, still alive,  I will go the same way and find my roots , I had a question  which I didn't ask , I close the question today and won't ask anyone again,  where is my father , what happened, why did he leave us and went to Tanzania ?
I been asked but I never answered anyone because life is a journey,  your wisdom to keep us at home and care for us is cherished,  you are star , 🌟shine again this last day on earth , life is a writ that can't be edited,  what was to happen did take place,  time and place , can't be changed , the creator of the universe the most merciful the most gracious is the author of why things fall within and when they fall apart, we are passengers of this world, we have different timings to alight and leave 
Mum your tribute is as long as my life 
Sweet memories,  tears as your are laid to rest,  I might not witness physically but I am present, forgive me for that, I am sure as your words of best wishes for me, you won't read my words but those who will read and hear I give them your thoughts, that are still vivid in my head , "yai che myach, " do good always,  and go, 
I promise mum to defend your legacy by doing good things,  I will protect the integrity of those that I will lead, because your leadership was of a strong woman,  I will keep the strength  and ensure those that are raised by a one parent will have a same equal society, you allowed me to be raised by a guardian mother, I understood,  and you told me to be respectful, mum I did , and I will always.
Mum I will miss you from India,  to my country Kenya my flag your words will fly above the clouds and when it reigns, it will rain showers of wisdom , 
To my family, the Chepatungos , stick together be one ,unite , bring all the fold together as we gather to close the journey of our fallen heroes before us since our grandfather passed,  then both Grandmother's,  let's keep their legacy of uniting one another , you been my strength all of you,  stay safe and see you soon God willing.  
To cousins the Boit's  you have been there for me since my first step in school,  I know you as my sister's and  brothers,  God bless you always,  
To my entire family 
Ensure that the elderly in the family are taken care of and protected,  
To my mother's sisters (Aunts) I miss you be strong,  I will always listen to you, I pray for long life , 
To my uncle David Boit , my teacher, my mentor,  your sister has gone, my mother has completed her journey,  you been a pillar to our family,  you took care of us,  we had a place to stay and the stories and smiles, lots of memories (Jomba) uncle, you were there for mum throughout her life , God bless you and your children,  you taught me leadership  I will stay strong.
I knight you  Sir,  David Boit , your words since school time still ringing , greatest uncle.
To my cousin, Adam Boit, you are my big brother ,you are the architect of my degrees and journey to India 🇮🇳,  I will be back , you are one unique seed that has created a forest of knowledge that I shared with many students thus I know the world because your gave me map , Allah the most merciful, the most gracious bless you , I knight you Sir, Adam Kiptaalam Micah Boit

To those that prayed,  who never knew her ,my mother , I appreciate your messages for the last 21 days , on Facebook,  Instagram,  Twitter, what's app , your donations almost 3000 dollars) for her treatment and her Hospital bills,  you gave freely,  what you had little was more God add to the stores of your sources , my neighbors in Chematich , Kenyans in India  all my family and cousins I owe you all my heart, my mother United us together ,I will unite you all, 'Boitt Foundation' will shine for others too 

I thank the "E bad Wallas" and Chawni SDA group who have been my source of strength, you studied in my current city Aurangabad I know few from the fold 300 former students,  you have been the source of support since 2019 and done contributions by heart and assisted me and my family,  I promise to take the mantle ahead to assist others as long as I live , your assistance,  I wil ensure that my brother weeps no more but rejoice and celebrate life of our mother , a legacy will remain, helping others freely which I learnt from you, what you raise will help us start life with a legacy of my mother's words do good and go ...tenda wema nenda zako 

To my brother Musa (Musa) we mourn but celebrate a life lived of our mother , remember the name 'Musa wa kwa Esther' , you are my big bro, life begins once again but our mother's shadow is tall in the morning of mourning  and prayers will keep us going through the dark paths to dawn of vivid memories of mum ,'tuko pamoja' be strong bro , we will  meet and we will keep her candle burning, We three,Esther Moses and Joshua  now we two , Moses and Joshua , the journey begins , 
Musa one request,  be what mum wanted you to be , remember she wanted the best from you ,she was the pillar of advices ,I am sure she whispered it....

I owe the Boit's my life's journey 
To those who went ahead of me 
My guardian mother the late  Loice Boit died -2019
My guardian father (uncle) The Late William Boit died -2006
My 1st grandmother the late Hellen- died 2000
My grandmother 2nd the late died - 2016
My biological mother Esther ,my pillar my source of happiness,  you closed your eyes, you departed to the grave ,time ticks by , life is short your memories mum Esther, liveth forever 

My star , my mentor,  the director of my movie of life   your mantle I pass it on,  farewell mum. ESTHER CHEROTICH TAPUSON
Rest with ancestors 
1940-2021 Chematich village  mourns her mother, Kericho city  your birth place mourns her daughter, 
I promise to name my first daughter after you ,mum 

Bible verse : Revelation 21:4

 A tribute from the youngest son Joshua Kipkemoi Boit 
Aurangabad city India 🇮🇳
April 12,19:36pm , 2021