From the hilltop(Asia) I shout,In the Savannah I roar,I twit in the sky and give my heart to all those who wish see me up and sound,gather ye rose buds while ye May,from Africa I trace my roots in South East Asia I am in a safe niche journalism my the wings of the society I fly,follow me as I explore the untamed might of the media and bring back the flaming torch....
Love is a journey of two souls, two lovebirds that accept to fly together, its turns to be of many souls when trouble strikes or when the conventional ways turns a societal suicide. That depends upon culture and generation glitch.
Wave of silence theory explains the lovebirds ways of trying to solve issues , one can be loud the other silent or both loud when love turns sour and affection hits the wall. The opinion of the other matters if they still have heart connections but it depends with the situational complexity.
Wave of silence can be a healing power if they take it private and try to heal naturally in affection , and it always affect the other partner and stirs thinking many ways;
1. Maybe he/she moved on?
2. He or she found another lovebird?
3.She/he is in distress? which leads to mild depression
5.Healing times to cement future love at second sight.
7.. None of the above.
After this steps , the love triangle will be healed or broken and thus , remember importance syndrome; a nasty feeling when you realize that the people/ person you love think that you are nagging.
Just like a wave love flows through veins and carries you to the shores of affection, be careful how you land, so that you can be able to explore the shores of human connections and travel with compassion and care of the other person. Swimming the the wave of silence is like meditation which helps each one to heal of you quarrel in love. Learn cherish and know the waves, open your heart to others when they open for you that's souls searching. A doctor will give you medicine for depression, but true love gives you both prescriptions ,medicine and results to depression.
Casual care; don't love someone exceedingly that they start taking you for granted,apply wave of silence theory for them to feel that you are missing in action.
Apply wave of silence to heal and not to hurt someone, reply when they need you, like a wave when wind blows. Set the sail for reconcilliation and move on swimming .
I wish you a lovely life in love and affection.- Joshua Boitt